Start Here.

January 21st, 2024

So … where do we start? (a phrase we have uttered to each other a fair bit over this journey)

Maybe it’s best to introduce ourselves.

Hi, I’m Leon. I like drinking beer but equally like thinking about beer. Huh? What? Isn’t beer just an easily drunk, easily discarded beverage that isn’t too deep? “I mean, it’s not wine.”, I hear you say. It’s the common drink for the common person. Well, that’s the beauty of beer, it can be that but we can (and I believe, should) dive further in to discuss the provenance of the ingredients, the complex processes behind the craft and the cultural impact it has had on societies. The joy I get from beer is more often than not in the sharing, the understanding, the places, the people. And of course the beer itself.

Hi, I’m Liz. I fell in love with beer after I fell in love with Leon. When Leon would go on and on about the amazing flavors and experiences he had had with beer, I couldn’t quite wrap my head around it all because all I knew of beer at the time were the macro lagers available in supermarkets. Then, I got to experience them. Lagers aren’t the only beer there is? There’s hundreds of different beer styles and millions of beer options to try? Suddenly, all the things Leon goes on about in the previous paragraph made sense. There was a beer for me. I believe there will be a beer (or many beers) for you (if you don’t already have one… or ten).

So.. what’s this “angle” going to be about?

An ongoing journal of thoughts about, and documentation of, all the things we think good beer can be.